DLC Volunteers Support Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service

Each year, Duquesne Light employees join people across the country to celebrate the life of humanitarian and civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. The special day, which has become known as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, attracts thousands of volunteers to donate their time and make a difference while honoring his legacy.
This year, 45 DLC employees participated in the annual event on Jan. 21, demonstrating their dedication to community service by volunteering their time at three Pittsburgh non-profit organizations, The Education Partnership, Southwestern Veterans Center and Weinberg Village Assisted Living.
Making an Impact through Volunteerism
Employees who volunteered at The Education Partnership assisted by stocking the Resource Room for the next round of teacher distribution appointments and helped teachers carry supplies to their vehicles. Volunteers at Weinberg Village Assisted Living joined residents in a fun day of activities, including games and a dance party. In addition, employee volunteers at the Southwestern Veterans Center visited with residents, prepared and served soup and joined them for afternoon activities.